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CCNP Routing and Switching Dumps and Exam Pass Support

Preparing for your CCNP Routing and Switching certification can be challenging, but with the right resources, success is within reach. Our expertly curated CCNP Routing and Switching Dumps provide real exam-like questions and answers to help you grasp key concepts and master exam topics. These updated dumps cover critical areas like IP routing, switching technologies, and troubleshooting, ensuring you’re fully prepared. With our practice tests, you can build confidence, identify weak areas, and improve your chances of passing the exam on your first attempt.

We offer complete CCNP Routing and Switching Exam Pass Support to guide you through your certification journey. Our training materials, study guides, and expert assistance help you understand complex topics and apply practical networking solutions effectively. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional, our support ensures you stay on track with structured learning and real-world problem-solving techniques. Don’t leave your success to chance—leverage our proven study resources and pass your CCNP exam with ease.

Get in Touch

    How It Works

    Select Your Certification1

    Select the certification you want to apply for from a vast list of certificates.

    Connect with us2

    Your next step would be connecting with us and getting a detailed explanation of the future process.

    Exam Scheduling3

    Now comes scheduling, which you can do by your own or our team is happy to help.

    Passing the Exam4

    On the big day, sit back and see the magic of you passing with flying colors.

    Pay the Fee5

    Once you receive the confirmation of passing, kindly pay us for our efforts.

    Learning Objectives and Outcome

    Package Contains: –

    1. Training Type: Online
    2. Labs Covered: All Labs (Topology, Questions, Solutions, Verifications)
    3. Training will be provided by our best experts.
    4. Training via Zoom/Skype/Team Viewer etc.
    5. Training schedules is customizable, as per convenient timings (T&C).
    6. Training sessions will be of 4 or 8 hours as per availability
    7. Subscription: 6 Months
    8. Updates: 6 Months
    9. Mail Support: As soon as possible
    10. Chat Support: 24*7*365
    11. Exam Guidance: Our experts will guide you for your exam preparations

    This course will teach you how to maintain and monitor network performance as well as troubleshoot Multi-Protocol system networks. In addition, our Cisco Certified instructors will show you how to:

    • Build a scalable routed network using acceptable technologies.
    • Create campus networks by utilizing multilayer switching technology.
    • Enhance the traffic flow, dependability, redundancy, and performance of campus LANs, routed and switched WANs, and remote access networks.
    • Create and implement a global intranet.
    • Troubleshoot a multiprotocol client host and service environment that makes use of Cisco routers and switches.

    During the course you’ll sit all three required exams:

    • 300-115 SWITCH Implementing Cisco IP Switched Networks (SWITCH)
    • 300-101 ROUTE Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE)
    • 300-135 TSHOOT Troubleshooting and Maintaining Cisco IP Networks (TSHOOT)

    CCNP Routing and Switching Certification Overview

    The CCNP Routing and Switching certification validates your ability to plan, implement, verify, and troubleshoot enterprise-level networks. Designed for networking professionals, this certification covers advanced routing, switching, and troubleshooting concepts essential for managing complex networks. With a strong foundation in Cisco networking technologies, CCNP-certified professionals can optimize network infrastructure, enhance security, and ensure seamless connectivity.

    Achieving CCNP Routing and Switching certification demonstrates expertise in IPv4 and IPv6 routing, VLANs, VPNs, and network automation. It is ideal for IT professionals seeking career growth in networking roles like network engineers and system administrators. Advance your career with CCNP certification and gain a competitive edge in the IT industry.



    Exam Components


    Exam Name

    ROUTE 300-101, SWITCH 300-115

    Number of Questions


    Question Types

    MCQs, Drag and Drop

    Time Limit

    120 Minutes

    Exam Delivery

    Online, proctored exam

    Retake Policy

    Candidates can retake the exam after waiting a specific period (typically 3-6 months)


    You must have a valid Cisco CCNA (Routing & Switching) certification or any Cisco CCIE certification before enrolling in this course.

    Not sure if you match the requirements? Don’t be concerned. Your training consultant will go over your background with you to determine if this course is appropriate for you.

    Advantages of CCNP Routing and Switching Training

    • Setting up paths for data to travel through a network using protocols like OSPF and EIGRP.
    • Using BGP to direct traffic between different parts of the Internet.
    • Managing how data is shared and controlled between different parts of a network.
    • Creating secure connections between distant offices and the main network.
    • Keeping routers safe from unauthorized access.
    • Handling network switches and features like VLANs (Virtual Local Area Networks), trunking, and spanning-tree.
    • Setting up trunks to connect switches together.

    CCNP Routing and Switching Examination Cost

    The core exam for the CCNP certification costs $400, while each concentration exam costs $300, totaling $700 for the complete certification.

    Average Salary

    You can expect the remuneration package to be in the range of $92,443 to $107,969, the average being $101,804 approximately. A CCNP certified network engineer, for example, can earn about $91,012, whereas a network security engineer may make approximately $100,728.

    CCNP Routing and switching online training certified by Certpasscenter will help you grow your network engineering career to the next level.

    Set yourself on the path to success, gain skills that are in demand, and touch upon an enormous world of opportunities.

    Why Us?


    Payment after Passing

    At CertPassCenter, we are confident in our ability to help you achieve your dream certification on the first attempt. However, if you don’t succeed, we’ve got you covered—we will fully cover the exam fee for your next attempt. Your success is our priority!


    24*7 Support

    Our goal is to build long-term trust and strong relationships with our clients. That’s why we offer 24/7 support, ensuring you can reach us anytime, from anywhere, to get your questions answered. Your success is our commitment!


    100% Secure & Confidential

    We prioritize your privacy with top-tier security measures to keep your personal information completely confidential. Understanding the risks of identity leaks, we ensure your data remains safe, protecting your career and future growth.


    600+ Certification Portfolio

    With a diverse portfolio of over 600 certifications, CertPassCenter offers everything you need in one place. No matter your field or career goals, you’ll find the right certification to take your professional journey to the next level.


    Experienced Team

    Since 2024, we have been committed to excellence, maintaining a 100% success rate. This achievement is made possible by our team of dedicated subject matter experts who ensure every candidate succeeds on their first attempt.


    Quick Response

    We respect both our time and yours, which is why we prioritize fast and efficient communication. Our high response rate ensures you receive prompt replies and the support you need without delays.

    (FAQs) – CCNP Routing and Switching Dumps & RMP Exam Pass Support

    CCNP Routing and Switching Dumps are exam preparation materials containing real exam-like questions and answers. These dumps help candidates familiarize themselves with the exam format, key concepts, and question patterns. CertPassCenter provides updated and verified dumps to enhance your chances of passing.


    Our CCNP dumps include accurate, up-to-date questions with detailed explanations. Practicing with our dumps improves your knowledge retention, problem-solving speed, and confidence for the actual exam.


    RMP (Reliable Master Plan) Exam Pass Support is CertPassCenter’s exclusive service that provides structured guidance, study plans, and expert assistance to ensure you pass your CCNP exam successfully.


    Yes, all our dumps are regularly updated to reflect the latest CCNP Routing and Switching exam syllabus, ensuring accuracy and reliability.


    You can purchase and download our CCNP dumps directly from the CertPassCenter website. We offer multiple formats, including PDF and online practice tests.


    CertPassCenter recommends using dumps as a supplementary study resource. To ensure success, combine them with official study materials and hands-on lab practice.


    With our RMP Exam Pass Support, we provide continuous assistance and updated materials to help you succeed. We are committed to your certification journey.
